miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

Happy New Year 2016

The new year 2016 is coming, yessss 2016!!! Do you remember when we were in 1998... so far now do you think?, I believe the time past very quickly but anyway.... we are living. I think everyone of the world 🌎🌍🌏 have a new, good, exceptional and avaricious porpuses for this new year. If you don't have any propuse😟, don't worry! I will give you some ideas, check them in the following list:

Learn a new skills
Visit a new place
Do a good deed
Read a difficult book
Write something important
Do something good
Take an important risk
Break a good habit
Try a new food
Learn English, ok.... you catch me 😣.... this is my best propuse, I swear I'll study everyday.
Create a new blog with the content you want, or if you have already one you can write more post.

Do you want to add new porpuses to my list? Be free, give me a comment in this post with your ideas!!!

Happy new year for everybody ❤

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015

What do you do everyday?

I normally when I woke up every morning I only want to sleep more, I normally ask for a 5 minutes more, oh God!!! Only five minutes more!!!... is it difficult to understand?!!!! But is almost impossible....
After to open my eyes hardly, I usually get a shower, get a dress and put a bit makeup.

And what about you?, what do you do every morning?.

domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2015

Do you like fruits?

I love fruit, I think I can eat more than 6 pieces in one day. They are suit, sooo suit, for me is like if I eat a big donut .There are a lot of healthy arguments about if you consume fruits in your diet routine. Is for that, in case I'll travel one day to English country I need to buy fruits!!!. Let's to learn some words together!!! Do you can't learn all the word? Don't matter!!. Choose one of them and memorise it. What is your favorite fruit?

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

List of positive affirmation

To this new year, is coming in a few days, I make a list with positive afirmations for me, for you, and for everybody. I hope your have a extraordinary year.
Enjoy it!
1. I am successful in whether I do
2. I plan my work and work my plan
3. I focus on what is truly essential
4. I will make the most of new opportunities
5. The universe provides for me every want and need
6. I speak with confidence and calm assurance
7.  I make positive healthy choices
8. I feel energetic and and full of life
9. I fill my mind with a positive thoughts
10. I feel the joy of abundance
11. I organize my priorities with clarity
12. I find all solutions within me
13. I am in control of my reactions
14. All is well in my life
15. I appreciate every moment of the day
16. Prosperity flows to me at all times, in all ways.
17. I have the power to changes myself
18. My body is filled with energy
19. I feel wonderful and alive
20. Good flows to me, good flows from me